Rehda: No housing glut as M’sia needs 3.2m more homes
PETALING JAYA (April 4): While there is an oversupply of shopping complexes and office spaces, it is not the case with residential properties as Malaysia is still short of 3.
Dewan Rakyat passes Limitation, Arbitration bills
KUALA LUMPUR (April 4): The Dewan Rakyat yesterday passed the Limitation (Amendment) Bill 2018, which extends the time limit of up to three years to house buyers to lodge a complaint over latent defects in their properties, Bernama reported.
Kepong's new homes
Kepong sounds like a tired old place at the edge of Kuala Lumpur, which many would visit once in a while, lured by its variety of Chinese restaurants and food stalls — some which have been there for generations.
10年前最受欢迎的房屋设计,在今天可能已经不再新潮,因为买家的需求和品味会随着时代的变迁而改变。 举例来说,高楼住宅在30年前相当罕见,但如今处处都是高楼大厦;10年前,人们只求能有一瓦遮头,今时今日人们买房还会把生活品味纳入考量。 大马建筑师协会主席Ezumi Harzani Ismail告诉EdgeProp.
How home designs in Malaysia have evolved
A home design that was relevant and favourable 10 years ago may not be the “in” design today.
如果问孩子,什么是他们梦想家园,答案或许是一间有广阔室内外游乐场的家。但如果向社会新鲜人或新婚夫妇问同样的问题,答案就可能截然不同,他们或许会从地点、价格和房屋可负担程度等方面作出考量。 对于这个问题,EdgeProp.
Second Setia Alam Starter Homes over 90% sold on launch day
PETALING JAYA (March 22): The second product under Setia Alam’s Starter Homes series — Adina recorded more than 90% of take-up rate on the launch day.
在亚洲的传统观念中,拥有一间房子是许多人的人生目标之一。因此,这或许解释了我国拥房率高企的现象。 随着时代的更替,年轻世代对于房屋的要求和生活素质,已经和上一辈人大相径庭。 但你是否有思考过,在一个家里面,你究竟要的是什么? 今年30岁的家具设计师Tan Yoong Kuan向EdgeProp.
'Your dream home is not necessarily your ideal home'
Ask a child what kind of house he or she wants to live in and you may probably get a reply that they want a place with a large play area indoors and a playground outside.