Honda, Toyota recall 6m vehicles around the world over airbag issue
PETALING JAYA (Jan 22): Two different air bag glitches prompted Toyota and Honda to recall over 6 million vehicles around the world, Associated Press reported today.
PETALING JAYA (Jan 22): Two different air bag glitches prompted Toyota and Honda to recall over 6 million vehicles around the world, Associated Press reported today.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 21): It all started when British journo Katie Morley complained/tweeted about a horrible Asian meal (which turned out to be nasi lemak) she had on board a British Airways.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 20): Sarawak Report editor Claire Rewcastle-Brown has filed an appeal against the High Court decision last month to allow an application by Terengganu's Sultanah Nur Zahirah not to testify in her defamation suit against Rewcastle-Brown and the publisher on her book about 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 20): The cabinet's decision to retain the ownership of PLUS Malaysia Bhd is a positive for Gamuda Bhd, as this will be seen as consistent with the government's previously announced plan to take over the four highways held by Gamuda, said Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd Research.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 17): Khazanah Nasional Bhd, which owns 51% in PLUS Malaysia Bhd, hailed the Cabinet’s decision not to sell the highway concessionaire to the private sector and reducing toll charges by 18% for passenger vehicles on all PLUS highways.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 17): The Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia (PMO) said there will be no toll rate hikes on PLUS Malaysia Bhd's highways as PLUS' concessions will be extended for 20 years from 2038 to 2058.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 16): The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) supports the Cabinet's decision to not sell Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan (PLUS) Malaysia Bhd.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 15): The government has been engaging with PLUS Malaysia Bhd's shareholders over the objective of reducing toll for highway users.
你知道吗?如果室内空间缺乏正规的空气过滤和净化设备,室内空气素质(indoor air quality,简称IAQ)会变得比室外更差! 更可怕的事实是,大部分人在室内逗留的时间,远高过于室外。根据研究,我们花在室内的时间高达了90%。 Panasonic Ecology Systems Co Ltd室内空气素质业务董事经理Shigehiro Uchiyama指出,室内空气污染大多源自于日常家务清理、烹饪和装修工程。 他在2019年EdgeProp Malaysia 卓越建筑物永续、管理和健康日本考察团中告诉参观者们:“比方说,家务会让灰尘和致敏原飞扬,影响人们健康,特别是肺部还在发展的儿童们。” 此外,Uchiyama说,新落成房子的建材也会散发有毒化学污染,例如甲醛和有害挥发性有机化合物等。这些有害物质会导致空间使用者出现喉咙疼痛、皮肤和眼睛不适,更有致癌的风险。 日本室内空气质素管制 许多国家已经执行了IAQ管制的相关规条,例如控制含有毒性化学物质的建材使用,同时制定室内通风标准,以确保良好的室内空气质量。 以日本为例,于2003年7月开始生效的《建筑标准法》,就纳入了与建筑物室内环境通风有关的规定。 Uchiyama说:“病屋综合症(Sick Home Syndrome)在1990年代至21世纪初是日本的一个大社会问题。这是因为越来越多的化学物质经由新建或改建建筑物中的涂料、木材、地板和墙壁等建筑材料带入室内,导致室内空气质量恶化,影响人们的健康。因此,日本政府修改了建筑标准法以解决这个问题。” 此外,日本也禁止在人们居住的建筑物中,使用含有毒死蜱(chlorpyrifos,也称作陶斯松)的建筑材料,以及使用散发甲醛的室内装饰材料。另外,日本政府也规定住宅建筑物内,须安装机械通风设备或可通风的窗口。 空气质素刻不容缓 目前,大马对室内空气质量并没有强制要求。职业安全与健康部仅发布了《室内空气质量行业操作规范》,作为现行室内空气质量指南。不过,发展商和物业管理对于IAQ的意识正提高。 Panasonic 供暖和制冷解决方案业务部门董事总经理Toshiyuki Takagi表示,大马人往往更注重食物和水的质量,而不是空气质量,但事实上,人们一天消耗的空气比食物和水要多。 也是日本制冷和空调工业协会主席的Takagi指出,每个人每天吸收的空气量为18公斤,远高于食物(1.
KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 10): They were there first before AirAsia moved in from LCCT.