Highlights of the National People’s Well-being and Economic Recovery Package
Govt procurement procedures to be eased, variation of price to be allowed for projects affected by higher building materials cost
Govt procurement procedures to be eased, variation of price to be allowed for projects affected by higher building materials cost
They have forwarded many submissions pointing out that the threshold to exit each phase is arbitrarily based on set absolute numbers of Covid-19 cases without any scientific basis.
Soh said it is vital that the threshold of fewer than 4,000 daily Covid-19 cases is supported by science and is data-based.
As such, the seven-day moving average for Covid-19 vaccinations now stands at 225,761, compared to 221,707 on the day before.
In a separate report by CNA in 2018, owners of the oceanfront condominium units were informed that the major repair of the building will cost at least RM37 million.
It is chosen as the pilot area for its relatively small population of around 178,000 residents, to allow the reopening of the holiday island, the authority is now speeding up the ivaccination pace to ensure at least 90% of the residents are Innoculated by September to achieve herd immunity.
Although majority of the respondents leaning towards having their staff working from office, workplace safety remained as main concern. Hence, corporations are thinking of adopting hybrid model, to incorporate flexibility in real estate.
Based on KPDNHEP's statistics, the compliance level of the distributive trade sector was satisfactory, with 98.54% of premises complying with the SOPs, while only 0.1% of premises were compounded, and the remaining 1.27% were given advice and issued with a warning.
As such, the seven-day moving average for Covid-19 vaccinations now stands at 221,707 doses.
“Shopping malls and retail operators had enthusiastically volunteered to organize the PPVs at their premises."