Suicide cases spike in the first three months this year, average four cases a day
As a family member or friend, it is important to show care to the affected individual, to listen to them, to show empathy, and to avoid judgemental behaviour.
As a family member or friend, it is important to show care to the affected individual, to listen to them, to show empathy, and to avoid judgemental behaviour.
Borrowers/customers who wish to take up this moratorium will need to contact their banks from July 7 onwards.
Based on the recent statistics shared by the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia, since the implementation of MCO 3.0, out of the total inspected construction sites, only 19% were found to be operational.
The inspection report by the engineering firm in 2018 discovered major structural deterioration in the parking garage beneath the 40-year-old Champlain Towers South.
In a recent tweet, the prime minister’s special advisor on public health, Tan Sri Dr Jemilah Mahmood has urged for the guidelines on ventilation in enclosed spaces to be implemented.
Four of Australia’s eight capital cities, including Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Darwin, are now under lockdown after seeing an increasing number of cases linked to the Delta variant.
Selangor has recorded 2,299 cases, the highest among all states, while Kuala Lumpur saw 1,361 daily cases today.
The analysts retained their gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecasts at 4.4% for 2021 and 4.7% for 2022.
We urge the government to extend the automatic bank loan moratorium for all companies irrespective of size and give the option to those that do not require the assistance to opt-out, said FMM
One of the investment bank analysts said in comparison with the loan moratorium that took place from March to September last year, borrowers who intended to apply for a deferment this time around and may even have to sign revised terms to their loan agreement.