Kossan founder says 427 employees tested positive for Covid-19, but impact on bottom line less than 2%
Only one site out of the group’s six locations, or 25% of its total output volume, was affected by the outbreak.
Only one site out of the group’s six locations, or 25% of its total output volume, was affected by the outbreak.
Analyst Loong Kok Wen: While we cannot confirm the above until the government makes its announcement, we think selective property stocks will likely see trading opportunities ahead.
High Court deputy registrar Norhatini Abd Hamid yesterday directed former PKR vice-president Zuraida to file her defence by Dec 31 following case management conducted via the High Court’s e-review yesterday. It was reported that PKR secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail on Sept 28 initially filed the suit via law firm Messrs William Leong & Co against Zuraida.
BLand said its wholly owned subsidiary Berjaya Engineering Construction Sdn Bhd on Dec 14 entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Deru Klasik Sdn Bhd for the land acquisition.
Selangor — the second worst-hit state — has 503 cases, followed by Sabah with 260 infections
The vote ended with 111 MPs in favour and 108 MPs against the passing of the budget. One MP was absent out of the 220 members. The 111 votes represent a simple majority.
Yesterday, the group was slapped with a UMA query after its share price surged 31.3% or 18 sen to 76 sen.
The group said its wholly-owned subsidiary Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd was awarded the contract yesterday by MCC International Inc Ltd.
Hock Peng, along with his wife Puan Sri Goh Gaik Ewe, have left Malaysia since the change of government in May 2018.
Under the proposal, TAG shareholders are given the choice of either a cash offer of 28 sen per existing share held, or a share swap based on an exchange ratio of 0.4211 new ordinary shares in TAE to be issued at 66.5 sen each for every TAG share surrendered.