
Property manager vs building manager — Are they the same?

Over the past decades, as Malaysia undergoes a major transformation from an economy largely dependent on agriculture and commodities to a more robust industrial and service-oriented economy, the country’s major cities are also experiencing a rapid proliferation of high-rise developments, with new residential, commercial and mixed-use towers reshaping the urban skyline.


Singapore’s public housing model possible in Malaysia only upon structural change

The Ministry of Local Government Development (KPKT) has voiced its intention to have exchange sessions with Singapore’s experts to help solve Malaysia’s affordable housing woes.

In fact, this is not the first time KPKT attempts to study and incorporate the Singapore’s pubic housing model within the local context. Back in 2018 during the Pakatan Harapan’s administration, the then KPKT minister conducted a three-day official visit to Singapore to learn the developments, plans, history and background that drive housing developments there.