Property consultant: There should not be a ceiling on rental rates
A control on rental rates “would take away landlords’ incentive to spend money on the maintenance and upgrading of their properties”.
A control on rental rates “would take away landlords’ incentive to spend money on the maintenance and upgrading of their properties”.
Lee Heng Guie: Property investment is considered a natural hedge against inflation that can help investors preserve capital, soften the effects of inflation, generate income and create capital appreciation. Also, adding property to a portfolio helps increase investment diversification.
“Infectious diseases do not operate differently in schools, and neither are they exempted from public health measures.”
“PN going after me with baseless charges is to be expected. After all this unelected government needs to reinforce their slim parliamentary majority. But to go for my wife, who even though a lawyer, does not enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, shows that they know how to hit you where you helplessly hurt most.”
These exclusive lifestyle facilities are available for residents to enjoy with a maintenance fee of as low as RM0.26 psf.
Built on a 4.34-acre site, the freehold mixed-development is about 6.5km from KL city centre.
The resort-themed townhouses come with dual-front facades without the conventional back lane. Each townhouse sits on a 25ft by 98ft plot.
All units are north-south oriented, with modern designs, elegant facades and carefully-planned interior layouts.
A grand entrance inspired by modern architecture greets residents to the precinct which has a relaxing ambience with pockets of greenery and tree-lined streets.
The low-density development has only four to six units per floor with each unit having its own private lobby. Each unit comes with three to four parking bays.