Building collapse death toll in US Florida rises to nine
In a separate report by CNA in 2018, owners of the oceanfront condominium units were informed that the major repair of the building will cost at least RM37 million.
In a separate report by CNA in 2018, owners of the oceanfront condominium units were informed that the major repair of the building will cost at least RM37 million.
It is chosen as the pilot area for its relatively small population of around 178,000 residents, to allow the reopening of the holiday island, the authority is now speeding up the ivaccination pace to ensure at least 90% of the residents are Innoculated by September to achieve herd immunity.
Oscar-winning actor takes over Jesse Tyler Ferguson’s Los Feliz house for US$7.1 million (RM29 million)
The newly-minted chairman is laying out plans to navigate REITs through Covid-19
Datuk Chang Kim Loong: Our contention is, this fee for a standard form has been charged since 2013. Surely, such costs must have been amortised over the years. Must the banks continue to profit from the sale of forms? Isn’t their major source of income derived from giving out loans?
President/CEO Mohd. Salem Kailany: We have redesigned our logo to make it sharper and stand out. We also have been engaging more with the public and target markets. We need to let them know who we are, what we have done and what we can do for them in the future
EcoWorld International president and CEO Datuk Teow Leong Seng said that apart from an increase in contracts exchanged (SPAs signed), the reservation pipeline has also been growing, a sign of markedly improved sentiment
Group president and CEO Datuk Chang Khim Wah: This encouraging result, currently driven mostly by local business owners and industrialists, suggests that there are sectors of the Malaysian economy that are continuing to grow even amidst the challenges posed by Covid-19
Master Builders Association Malaysia: Quarries were not allowed to operate, supply of building materials such as aggregates had decreased, and the few ready-mixed concrete batching plants allowed to operate cannot meet the supply of concrete to contractors
● Leasehold
● Built-up: 40,000 sq ft
● Land size: 43,560 sq ft
● Semi-furnished
● Highly accessible via various highways such as North-South Expressway and South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE)
When: April 2021