马来西亚第二大人口最多的州属——柔佛州,尽管近年来在招资上继续录得佳绩,但外资进驻却并未提振柔州房地产市场。到底是什么原因,让这个南方州属的房地产市场继续乌云压顶呢? 根据依斯干达特区发展机构(Iskandar Regional Development Authority,简称IRDA)数据,柔州在2019年上半年取得RM167.
Enriching lives through its townships
For an experienced property developer, the technical part of building and construction is often easier than the effort it takes to build a sustainable community that is able to elevate the lives of the people.
The birth of the Malaysian Ideal Home
An ideal home may mean different things to different people.
A chance to own a home that Malaysians co-created
The Lafarge-EdgeProp MYHOME initiative culminated with the completion of the model house representing the home that Malaysians co-created.