Sofiya Residensi: Affordable homes that defy convention

Reapfield Properties HQ real estate negotiator Andrew Tan, who is also a resident of Desa ParkCity for over a decade admits that when the residents first heard about Sofiya Residensi, objections were filed to the developer, on the basis that the project would mar the whole exclusivity of Desa ParkCity.


DONE DEAL: Factory at Sungai Penaga Industrial Park, Subang, Selangor

Read also DONE DEAL: Single-storey terraced house at Taman Salak Selatan, Kuala Lumpur DONE DEAL: Condominium unit at One Ampang Avenue, Ampang, Selangor Subang has always been a well-established and popular industrial property address as it is strategically located in the central region of Selangor and well-connected by major highways such as KESAS and LDP.


PEPS: Govt should buy unoccupied units and turn them to affordable housing

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 13): The Government should consider purchasing and repurposing the unoccupied properties in matured areas and turn them into affordable housing to address two issues at one go, said the president of the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector of Malaysia (PEPS), Michael Kong (pictured).