First rent-to-own houses for Penang’s poor
BALIK PULAU (June 11): The first low-cost rent-to-own (RTO) housing units for the poor have been rolled out by the Penang government.
BALIK PULAU (June 11): The first low-cost rent-to-own (RTO) housing units for the poor have been rolled out by the Penang government.
PETALING JAYA (June 11): Knight Frank Malaysia has been appointed the exclusive agent by Western Digital to market the latter’s hard disk drive (HDD) assembly facilities in Sungai Way Free Trade Industrial Zone (FIZ), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
KUALA LUMPUR (June 10): After getting the first RM2 billion loan from Pensioners Trust Fund Inc (KWAP) for SRC International Sdn Bhd, former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak asked that a total of RM1.
KUALA LUMPUR (June 10) Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin’s press secretary Ahmad Soffian Mohd Shariff is reported to have informed his boss (Zuraida) that he resigned via Whatsapp.
人为失误是建筑物在兴建过程中的挑战之一,而这也会招致建筑缺陷和材料浪费等问题。 但如果你能通过数码科技来设计一间房子,再让机器人搞定大部分的建筑作业,那么你就不用担忧建筑过程中的人为失误了。 在瑞士苏黎士一个名为Dübendorf的郊区,就有一间通过数码科技来设计,并几乎是借助机器人和3D打印机来建成的房子。 这间名为DFAB HOUSE的三层房子,位于NEST大楼的顶层,它是通过ETH Zurich研究员与行业伙伴研发的建筑科技来打造而成。 ETH Zurich在其网站上指出,房子各个元件的设计和规划,是通过数码方式来进行调整,然后再根据相关数据,在现场直接制造。 数码科技为房屋建筑带来了许多新的设计可能。例如,房子上层空间的木框,是两台机器人来编制而成,然后再排成复杂的几何形状。 而DFAB HOUSE的地板,是通过一项名为Smart Slab的数码科技来规划完成,而这项科技也让该房子省下了许多材料。 ETH Zurich建筑与数码编制教授Matthias Kohler说:“数码编制科技在建筑方面的潜力是非常庞大的。可惜的是,这些科技很少在建筑工地被使用。通过DFAB HOUSE,我们能够与该行业合作测试新科技,从而加快有关科技从研发阶段转换到现实应用的速度。” NEST是“永续建筑科技的未来演变(Next Evolution in Sustainable Building Technologies)”的简称,该大楼是由瑞士联邦科学科学与技术实验室(Empa)和瑞士联邦水科学与技术研究所(Eawag)所打造,作为新发展和创新科技在现实环境中的测试场所。 Empa总执行长Gian-Luca Bona近期在新闻稿中指出,DFAB HOUSE的建筑过程融合了传统建筑模式和新式的数码概念,而这个从数码绘图板到转换成实际建筑物的过程,也为科学家与行业专家带来了挑战。 “但通过一个非常有建设性的交流,曾经只是一个梦想的东西,如今终于可以实现。希望这可以快速应用在建筑业中。” 经过近两年的研究和建筑后,面积达200平方米的DFAB HOUSE终于在今年2月正式完工。盖房子的首批住户是Empa与Eawag的研究人员及NEST的伙伴,他们将在房子内居住与工作。 房子的不规则形石灰天花,会让你感受到科幻电影“异形(Alien)”的风格,而这个天花板是由3D打印机和建筑机器人制成。 同时,DFAB HOUSE也是一间配备智能元素的居所。你可以通过声控指令,来操控家中的各种器具,例如打开窗帘或启动水壶。 英文版原文已刊登在2019年5月17日的EdgeProp.
KUALA LUMPUR (May 31): Boustead Holdings Bhd, the key contributor to Retirement Fund (Incorporated)’s (KWAP) dividend, slipped into the red for the first quarter ended March 31 (1QFY19), posting a net loss of RM22.
KUALA LUMPUR (May 30): The inclusion of Malaysia in the US Department of Treasury’s watchlist actually highlights the strength of the nation’s economy, as the list includes other major trading economies as well, said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng “While the US Treasury has included Malaysia into its expanded Monitoring List of Potential Currency Manipulator, the report does not name Malaysia as a currency manipulator.
KUALA LUMPUR (May 27): Lawyer Syazlin Mansor was removed from representing the Housing and Local Government Ministry in the inquest into the death of fireman Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim for fear of conflict of interest.
KUALA LUMPUR: Australia and Poland currently offer the highest prime net student housing yield at 6%, according to global property firm Savills in their latest “Global Student Housing Investment” report.
BUTTERWORTH (May 21): The Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) will speed up its infrastructure development plan following its upgrade to city council status.