
Laughing at kitchen fails

The MCO has spurred many to embrace cooking, even those with little experience are dabbling in the kitchen as they face no prospects of eating out. Some have seen their cooking skills soar, while many crashed and burned.

Two orchestras perform from home in tribute to frontliners

Playing their instruments individually in front of a camera from their respective homes, musicians at the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MYPO) have put together a video of their virtual orchestra’s rendition of the iconic Star Wars main theme.

Art transcends all barriers

Feast your eyes on the following pieces of art by these inspirational artists who have defied the odds to stamp their own inimitable marks on the world.

Glamping on a rooftop in Kuala Lumpur city

Offering a majestic view of the Kuala Lumpur city centre, on the Level 6 rooftop terrace of the Star Boulevard building on Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, the 4,000 sq ft camping, or rather glamping site, forms part of the 31,000 sq ft Colony @ Star Boulevard co-working space which opened in August last year.