Moody's affirms Malaysia's A3 rating with stable outlook; expects its mid-term growth prospects to remain strong
"Moody's does not expect the coronavirus pandemic to have a sustained negative impact on Malaysia's economic model."
"Moody's does not expect the coronavirus pandemic to have a sustained negative impact on Malaysia's economic model."
"We have seen at the high-end of the market being very strong with appetite from domestic buyers."
The group said it incurred lower selling and marketing expenses by RM4.1 million compared with a year ago, mainly due to lesser sales and marketing activities on its ongoing projects as a result of the Movement Control Order.
The previous record high was 16 clusters recorded last Thursday and Friday.
These bought the country's total cases to 194,114 and total fatalities to 707
The contract, to be undertaken by the group’s 51%-owned subsidiary SH Moment Builder Sdn Bhd, involves Package 1, Section 4 of the rail link.
Pavilion REIT declared a final distribution per unit (DPU) of 2.52 sen, versus the 4.1 sen DPU declared in 4QFY19.
The group said it is buying the freehold land located in Serendah from Frazel World Sdn Bhd and Frazel Icon Sdn Bhd.
It posted a net loss of RM41.84 million for the fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2020.
In his submission, Muhammad Shafee mainly argued that Sri Ram had displayed bias and bad faith.