Genting Group keen on Chicago casino project — report
Prospective sites include locations along the Lake Michigan waterfront, near the Soldier Field and near McCormick Place, the largest convention centre in North America.
Prospective sites include locations along the Lake Michigan waterfront, near the Soldier Field and near McCormick Place, the largest convention centre in North America.
According to a bourse filing today, Bina Puri Kalika-Samanantar JV has been awarded the contract by the Supreme Court of Nepal for the construction of the Supreme Court Building Complex at Ramshahpath, Kathmandu.
As of yesterday, daily cases stayed above the 2,000 level, climbing further to 2,551 from 2,148 on Thursday. This is the highest number of infections seen in over two months. The Covid-19 death toll, meanwhile, has increased to 1,365, compared with 474 as of Jan 1.
Bina Puri said the MoU — which will remain in effect for one year — is aligned with the market's green initiatives that are expected to bring value creation to the businesses.
The notice served by Mak and Tan also seeks the appointment of both of them, along with Ooi Kek Keong, as new directors of the group.
Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said three cases were found in the Jalan Lima cluster, nine from the Kebun Baru cluster, one from the Teknologi Emas cluster and four from the screening of close contacts
The second highest was 1,854 reported on April 9. This is also the 16th straight day that new Covid-19 cases stay above the 1,000 mark.
BLand said Tan's deemed interest were trimmed to 4.15 billion shares or 84.35%, after Berjaya Sompo Insurance Bhd sold 2.08 million shares in BLand through the open market, while another 10.8 million shares were disposed of by Berjaya Hills Resort Bhd via a direct deal.
Lendlease: A heavy storm started at approximately 6pm and it has been established that the crane jib had come down during this storm event. No one was injured during this incident