Ismail Sabri: EMCO in Sungai Lui, Hulu Langat encompassing a tahfiz centre and house extended till May 5
The EMCO in the area was actually scheduled to end tomorrow
The EMCO in the area was actually scheduled to end tomorrow
“In this market here, the trader is from the fish section,” said Petaling district officer Johary Anuar.
It has been reported that “authorities in New York, Michigan, Maryland and Illinois have reported increases in calls to their poison control centres pertaining to exposure to household cleaning products”.
Even though it has the continent’s smallest populations, it has been reported that the city state has recorded infections exceeding 13,000, surpassing Japan, with only China and India having more cases in Asia.
According to Bandar Utama assemblyman Jamaliah Jamaluddin, her office had received a report of a vegetable trader in the market who had tested positive for Covid-19.
Health officials explained that with the “unprecedented decline in water use” and the absence of chlorinated water in pipes of such buildings, combined with irregular temperature changes, have created environments “ripe for the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease”.
The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader.
This number only includes those who were permanently retrenched and those retrenched under voluntary separation schemes (VSS).
Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said it was important for Malaysians to remain steadfast and ensure the success of the remaining phases of the enhanced movement control order (MCO).
Reckitt Benckiser, which owns brands including Lysol, Dettol, Vanish and Cillit Bang, said "under no circumstance" should its products be administered "through injection, ingestion or any other route".