PROPERTY SNAPSHOT What’s affordable in KLCC?
The most expensive address in the KLCC area belongs to The Binjai with an average transacted unit price of RM5 million
The most expensive address in the KLCC area belongs to The Binjai with an average transacted unit price of RM5 million
Prices in the KLCC area have generally stayed stagnant over the past two years, although average transacted prices have remained above the RM1,000 per square foot (psf) mark since 1Q2013’s analysis of of transactions of non-landed residential property in Brickfields (including KL Sentral) found that average values rose by 25% in the third quarter of last year (3Q2014) from a year ago to RM762 psf
MRT2 will no longer pass through Pandan and Cheras but through Chan Sow Lin and the proposed Bandar Malaysia project in Sungai Besi
Overall, rental rates in Brickfields generally range from between RM2.00 psf to RM3.90 psf
There is a large premium for developments located within KL Sentral, with a premium of at least 40%-50%
From a larger perspective, the majority of transactions (some 71.6%) in Brickfields still fall below the RM1.0 million mark
The REIT is part of the integrated property developer’s long-term strategy to generate a recurring income stream, contributing 30% to its net profit
Brickfields is a two-tier market with projects within KL Sentral commanding a large premium over the older ones outside it
In 3Q2014, the average transacted price for Mont’Kiara was RM685 per square foot (psf), up 7.8% y-y