Q: Which are the main parts of a condominium that must undergo regular checks?

There are mandated periodic inspections stipulated by various authorities after the first and/or second year of Vacant Possession.


Active fire equipment – fire control, firemen lift, genset, sprinklers, pumps, exhaust fans, hydrants, hose reels, extin-guishers, alarms, detection equipment, emer-gency lights and lighted evacuation panels

Passive – fire doors, no obstructions in escape staircases, signages and fire stops

However, a single strata condominium is not a ‘designated premise’, so it is exempt from yearly Fire Certificate renewal. Nevertheless, the Joint Management Bodies/Management Corporations

(JMBs/MCs) must at all times maintain the active and passive fire-fighting equipment protection systems.

2.   LIFTS, GENIE AND GONDOLAS – inspection by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH); and renewal of hoisting machine permit (Permit Mesin Angkat, PMA) certificate every 15 months

3.   BUILDING STRUCTURE (ABOVE FIVE STOREYS) –  every 10 years by a structural engineer

4.   Gas – central gas pipes to be inspected once every three years by a competent person from the Energy Commission (ST).  

5.   ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION under the Electricity Supply Act 1990 (Act 447),

Electricity Supply (Successor Company)

Act 1990 (Act 448) & Regulations:

 •            Regulation 110 (1) - An installation shall be maintained in good working order and safety precautions observed at all times to prevent danger.   

•             Regulation 110 (3) - An installation, other than a domestic installation, shall be checked and tested by a competent person at least once every five years, or at any time as directed by the Commission.

•             Regulation 110 (4) - Any protective relay and device of an installation shall be checked, tested and calibrated by a competent person at least once every two years, or at any time as directed by the Commission.

Recommended, not currently mandated:

6.            Slopes,retaining walls, roads and drains – yearly inspection by Civil Engineer.

7.            Gas cooker and final connection to central gas pipes – yearly inspection by a competent person from ST

8.            Handrail condition

9.            Water tanks and quality of drinking water stored in them

10.          Glass installed at common areas

11.          Air conditioning brackets and ledges

12.          Water heaters

13.          Rainwater outlets

Q: Often, defects occur due to poor design or quality such as water coming into lifts, flooded corridors and other issues. Can these be claimed against the developer?

For any claims against the developer, JMBs are advised to obtain a professional independent report in order to establish defective (or unsafe) conditions, root cause(s) and recommendation for repairs/remediation. For a compelling argument or claim(s) made over latency, the defect(s) should have been documented and recorded during the Defects Liability Period, regardless if it was related to workmanship or design.

Anthony Lee is Architect Centre trainer and consultant; and EdgeProp Malaysia’s Best Managed Property Awards 2019 judge and EdgeProp.my Symposium on Excellent Property Management 2019 speaker

Go to https://professional.nipponpaint.com.my/hasslefreemaintenance for hassle-free maintenance 

If you have any questions regarding property management,[email protected]. Questions will be answered at the discretion of the editor and the respective experts.

Disclaimer: The answers are only proposed solutions by the expert based on the limited information given in the questions.

This story first appeared in the EdgeProp.my pullout on Aug 9, 2019. You can access back issues here.

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