Pekat Group secures 15-year power purchase agreement
Pekat said the PPA was inked between its unit Pekat Solar Sdn Bhd with MBSP under the government’s Net Energy Metering (NEM) Scheme.
Pekat said the PPA was inked between its unit Pekat Solar Sdn Bhd with MBSP under the government’s Net Energy Metering (NEM) Scheme.
“That is the prosecution's case [and we have no intention of calling Nazir],” Lead prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram said.
The 100% take-up rates for both developments mark Sime Darby’s third and fourth consecutive booked-out new launches, including Elmina Green Five in City of Elmina and Trilia in Bukit Jelutong.
The MB said the state will also limit the sale of alcohol in rural parts of Kedah, saying demand for such beverages in these areas are low.
Other than HOC incentives which include minimum 10% discount on house prices as well as stamp duty waivers on the Memorandum of Transfer and Loan Agreement, developers may also offer attractive packages to assist potential homebuyers own a dwelling of their own.
"The proposed debt restructuring was approved by 97.56% of the Class B creditors present and voting either in person or by proxy in the scheme creditors' meeting on Friday," AAX said in a bourse filing.
The former legal adviser asserted that if she was given the opportunity to evaluate the agreement instead of the private law firm, she was certain that she would have seen the “big mistake” in the agreement.
Covid-19: 6,517 new cases on Nov 12, bringing cumulative total to 2,535,338, says Health DG
"Growth will accelerate to between 5.5% and 6.5% next year."
The decline in consumption and investment activities had more than offset the continued expansion in public sector consumption spending.