
Berjaya Retail to list June/July

KUALA LUMPUR: Berjaya Retail Bhd (BRetail) will be listed either in June or July, says Berjaya Group chairman and chief executive officer Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun.

The listing of BRetail will raise RM50 million from exercise and it will be used for expansion, he said on Thursday, March 18.

China again tells banks to control lending

BEIJING: Banks should control the pace of their lending and be aware of the risks entailed in extending credit to the property sector and to local governments, Chinese bank regulators said in remarks published on March 18.

Bubble in Hong Kong market now looks quite likely

HONG KONG: An asset bubble in the Hong Kong property market is looking increasingly likely. Homebuyers "high" on low interest rates, like drink drivers made careless by alcohol, seem increasingly indifferent to the long consequence of their decisions.

Buy UK, Asia real estate as inflation hedge

HONG KONG: Investors should buy real-estate assets and funds that invest in property in the UK and Asia because a potential rebound in prices and economic growth will counter inflation risks, Aberdeen Asset Management Plc said.