In Depth

Stay agile to thrive in the market

S P Setia strikes again with its 13th No. 1 win for The Edge Top Property Developer Awards (TPDA) 2020. This is the fifth consecutive year the company has won the spot.

Your wish for 2021

Respondents of year-end poll 2020 still have faith in 2021

Describe 2020 in one word. Why?

Some see opportunities behind the crisis while some are cautious of current conditions, but “resistance” is definitely not the word to describe 2020.

Seremban: Not time yet for high-rise residential

“For RM500,000, you can only buy a mid-range condominium with two car parks and a tiny balcony in the fringe of Kuala Lumpur. Here in Seremban, for the same amount, you get to own a two-storey house in a gated-and-guarded community with amenities. This is one of the biggest selling points of Seremban homes.”