A responsible and sustainable town maker
It is notable that Gamuda’s property division has climbed two positions from TPDA 2019 to the fifth place this year
It is notable that Gamuda’s property division has climbed two positions from TPDA 2019 to the fifth place this year
S P Setia strikes again with its 13th No. 1 win for The Edge Top Property Developer Awards (TPDA) 2020. This is the fifth consecutive year the company has won the spot.
Respondents of EdgeProp.my year-end poll 2020 still have faith in 2021
Japan and Europe are the popular choices for the respondents of EdgeProp.my year-end poll 2020
Here are the places the respondents of EdgeProp.my year-end poll 2020 were at last year and their planned vacation destinations for this year, which of course have been all postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Adapt and evolve are the keys to deal with the new normal
Some see opportunities behind the crisis while some are cautious of current conditions, but “resistance” is definitely not the word to describe 2020.
Things that we had been taken for granted disappeared overnight
According to SEDA data, capacity approved NEM applications grew tremendously from 27.80MW in 2018 to 103.22MW in 2019 and 295.85MW in 2020 (as at September)
“For RM500,000, you can only buy a mid-range condominium with two car parks and a tiny balcony in the fringe of Kuala Lumpur. Here in Seremban, for the same amount, you get to own a two-storey house in a gated-and-guarded community with amenities. This is one of the biggest selling points of Seremban homes.”