In Depth

Tips on how to inspect a property and avoid buying a lemon

Architect Centre accredited building inspector and trainer Anthony Lee Tee: The quality of properties sold by some developers have improved significantly but the majority of developers are still delivering substandard properties.

No major launches in 4Q for UEM Sunrise

The group’s 9MFY16 sales stood at RM707 million (fell 40% year-on-year [y-o-y]) met expectations at 71% and 78% of management’s and our target of RM1 billion and RM900 million respectively...

Collective sales sputtering back to life

After a two-year drought with zero sales in 2014 and the lone en bloc deal of Thong Sia Building last year, the recent three deals topping S$1 billion foreshadow an awakening of the collective sale market.

Mah Sing 3Q profit rises 10% y-o-y

Mah Sing sold RM632 million worth of properties in 3QFY16, bringing its cumulative nine months period of FY16 (9MFY16) sales to RM1.4 billion.