Latest news for: vpex

MEF questions need for valid work permits for re-employment of foreign workers

MEF executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan said requiring foreign workers to have a valid work permit in order to be re-employed would defeat the overall purpose of redeployment.

“There will not be many foreign workers who would be able to be redeployed based on this requirement as the existing employers would only release the foreign workers after the term of their permit had expired,” he said.

Taman Rimba Kiara: Residents furious over road signage removal

Selamatkan Taman Rimba Kiara: It appears to be the next step in a quiet, creeping plan to remove all evidence and traces of the original footprint of Taman Rimba Kiara, even while the court case is still ongoing at the Court of Appeal.

Lawyer says he had no reason to flag RM76m in cheques from Ahmad Zahid

Testifying at Ahmad Zahid’s corruption and money laundering trial, lawyer Muralidharan Balan Pillai, who is a partner at Messrs Lewis & Co, said he was told by Ahmad Zahid that the funds he was receiving via the cheques were for charity and religious purposes, and that the origin of the money was legitimate.

BNM: Malaysia GDP contracted 17.1% in 2Q20, worst decline since 4Q98

Chief Statistician of Malaysia Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin: The sharp decline in GDP for this quarter was due to the three phases of the MCO and CMCO (Conditional Movement Control Order) implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Malaysia. The capacity constraints due to the restriction imposed during the lockdown had affected growth in the services, manufacturing and construction sectors.