Latest news for: rehda

Rehda introduces Bumi Mapex

“We want to provide a platform for bumiputeras who are looking to own a home. Here, they will find the bumi units that are offered by developers.”

Putting people first

The success of architectural works lies not by following trends but in focusing on the welfare of society.

How about lowering property prices?

As controversy rages over the suggestion for developers to lend money to prospective buyers who have difficulties getting financing to purchase properties, one question remains unasked: Will lower property prices help resolve the buyers’ financing problem?

Rehda: Launches and sales decreased significantly in 1H2016

Real Estate Housing Developers’ Association president Datuk Seri Fateh Iskandar Mohamed Mansor noted that developers are adapting to the current market demand by homebuyers and have launched properties which are more sought after in this challenging market.

Innovating now for future consumers

Harnessing future trends early on is vital for any business to get the first-mover advantage and to stay ahead of the game.