Latest news for: rehda

MAH: Scheduled hotel openings for this year postponed

Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) CEO Yap Lip Seng: 15% of hotels in the country are expected to close permanently while another 35% will close temporarily indicating an immediate reduction of up to 50% in inventory. 

KL residential transactions up 1.1% in 2019

JPPH: The market saw a higher number of transactions in the RM500,000 to RM1 million price bracket. Condominium and apartment units continued to propel the residential market, contributing 47% of total transactions in KL.

Malaysian property transactions up almost 5% in 2019

According to the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH), majority of the property segments have seen market improvements in transaction volume with the commercial segment recording the highest y-o-y growth of 7.2%, followed by residential (6%), industrial (3.8%) and agricultural (2%). However, development land transactions dropped 1.2%.