EdgeProp Malaysia championing the call for better indoor air and ventilation in buildings
We now have a Guidance Note on “Improving Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Buildings amid the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond”
We now have a Guidance Note on “Improving Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Buildings amid the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond”
REHDA and Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) are in talks with the government to refine the SOPs.
REHDA president Datuk Soam Heng Choon: This current challenging time affects all Malaysians in a myriad of ways, especially hospitals and healthcare personnel standing at the forefront of this pandemic, and the donation is the least the association can do to help the frontliners weather this turbulent storm
Muhyiddin announced a six-month blanket loan moratorium under the PEMULIH initiative to be given to all individual borrowers equally.
Datuk Chang Kim Loong: Our contention is, this fee for a standard form has been charged since 2013. Surely, such costs must have been amortised over the years. Must the banks continue to profit from the sale of forms? Isn’t their major source of income derived from giving out loans?
Datuk Chang Kim Loong: It is still very difficult to understand why taxpayers’ money is being “sacrificed” to facilitate the niche market buyers and for the benefit of the housing developers, because that is exactly what is being done here.
HOC has been well sought after by purchasers due to its attractive incentives.
In a document sighted by EdgeProp.my, the letter stated that MoF has agreed to extend stamp duty exemption on Instrument of Transfer and loan agreement to December 31, 2021 from May 31, 2021 when purchase of residential property registered under HOC 2020 / 2021.
Soam raised the concerns on the delay of construction works due to the reinstatement of the MCO.
“Always show up at your AGMs and EGMs. Don’t think that, I am just one parcel owner, I don’t have any say in the decisions made.”