AmBank ex-CFO's silent disappearance at Bank of New Zealand leaves vacuum of information
Rutherford was never on BNZ’s payroll and that her withdrawal happened just as she joined the company.
Rutherford was never on BNZ’s payroll and that her withdrawal happened just as she joined the company.
"The Ministry of Transport also urges the media to not make any speculative reports regarding the construction of airports without confirming this with the ministry."
“It is the fundamental right of every Malaysian to live, work and prosper in a corruption-free society," said Latheefa.
The disposal consideration comprises a cash amount of RM100, together with advances of RM125 million by SHSB to DGQSB.
Mohd Shukri's contract was supposed to end on May 17, 2020.
Michael had been re-designated to be the group's managing director, from previously being an executive director.
Earnings per share dipped into losses, with a loss per share of 1.11 sen posted in 1QFY19, from 0.30 sen profit per share seen last year.
This brought up earnings per share to 4.8 sen, from 3.91 sen in 1QFY18.
"After June 14, the determination of retail prices for peroleum products will return to original, where the price determination will be done weekly."
The Penang bungalow belonged to Goh Gaik Ewe — mother of Jho Low.