No action against former 1MDB unit chairman for 'contradictory' evidence
Harvinderjit today told Justice Mohd Nazlan that after the review, his team decided to resume the cross-examination with Ismee.
Harvinderjit today told Justice Mohd Nazlan that after the review, his team decided to resume the cross-examination with Ismee.
Lokman was arrested after he refused to hand over his handphone to police who went to his house to investigate the gay sex video clips allegedly involving Azmin.
Defence counsel Harvinderjit combed through details of SRC’s board meeting minutes and dived deep into certain specific wordings in order to show SRC’s board and its management acted independently from Najib.
Donaco said in filings to the bourse there that the company's former chief operating officer Gerald Tan has also left the business.
Khalid also defended his position as chairman of YWP as a mandatory requirement, as stipulated in YWP's Memorandum and Articles of Association.
For that to happen, MBSB still has to convert its conventional assets worth about RM1 billion to Islamic assets, which make up about 10% to 12% of its asset portfolio.
"We have only come to the stage of getting the data. No real decision has been made [on the mechanism]," Dr Mahathir said.
"We see businesses find it difficult to obtain approval to invest and contribute to the growth of the economy," said Dr Mahathir.
Loke said the three sets of trains will start to operate immediately after being delivered to Prasarana Malaysia Bhd.
Lim commented that the report is "baseless speculation" that is "grossly unfair".