Muhyiddin : Cabinet has noted King’s opinion that there is no need to declare emergency now
“The Cabinet will discuss further about the King’s decree,” Muhyiddin said.
“The Cabinet will discuss further about the King’s decree,” Muhyiddin said.
"The Agong would like to remind politicians to immediately stop any form of politicking which will disrupt the stability of the ruling government."
However, on a y-o-y basis, the retail REIT saw its NPI decline by 33.16% from RM91.08 million in 3QFY19.
The bank's loan and financing payment assistance programme is for both individual and SME customers.
...which will be listed on the Singapore Exchange Ltd tomorrow.
MTUC said the NSC and the ministers must stick to one set of SOPs.
It posted a net loss of RM5.66 million for the quarter, compared with a net profit of RM944,000 a year ago.
The commission will vote on a final plan and contract after the feasibility study is completed.
It has commenced additional piling works to accommodate 12 units of new, high-speed glove dipping machines at its glove manufacturing factory in Kapar.