Cultivating the roots of good living
“The farm-to-table concept isn’t some new-age, hipster idea; it’s what our parents and their parents before them did before everything became centred on convenience and speed."
“The farm-to-table concept isn’t some new-age, hipster idea; it’s what our parents and their parents before them did before everything became centred on convenience and speed."
Entier is about nose-to-tail, sustainable eating that is casual but draws upon the finesse of fine-dining.
One local dish that gets taken up several notches in Flock style is the humble rojak. A banana leaf is laid on the table, then the chef plates with precision, adding ingredients like guava panna cotta, dehydrated jicama, pickled papaya, peanut crumble and paste, pineapple cake, shaved mango ice and chilli coconut espuma.