
Economists divided on BNM's next OPR decision

While Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) decision to keep the overnight policy rate (OPR) unchanged at 3% in its final monetary policy committee meeting for the year was well expected by economists following Malaysia's positive economic growth, they, however, appear divided on the central bank's stance going forward.


Budget 2024: Easing MM2H rules, more infra projects to offset impact of 4% stamp duty on MOT to foreign property buyers, says MIDF Research

The relaxation of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) rules, more infrastructure projects and expansion of the Skim Jaminan Kredit Perumahan (SJKP) will offset the impact of a flat 4% stamp duty on memorandum of transfer (MOT) by non-citizens and foreign-owned companies in property transactions on the real estate sector, said MIDF Research.