Tony Tiah receives acceptances for 90% of TA Enterprise shares
The takeover by Tiah was previously extended to March 5, following the lapse of the initial deadline of Jan 25.
The takeover by Tiah was previously extended to March 5, following the lapse of the initial deadline of Jan 25.
"His claim that the Covid-19 pandemic has to be handled under emergency law was a lie. The proclamation of emergency was sought so that he could remain as prime minister. This was the real reason behind his seeking of an emergency declaration."
The two companies said the development fell through as the conditions precedent, which included the obtaining of written approvals and planning approvals for the parcels of land, had not been fulfilled or waived during the conditional period.
"The removal of conditions will allow EPF members under the age of 55 to withdraw from their Account 1 funds, subject to their existing balance. For members who have already applied for i-Sinar under the current criteria, their applications will be automatically approved in due course."
“The safety and well-being of the company’s employees and the local community are of paramount priority towards containing the situation, and the temporary closure will go a long way towards minimising the risk of further spreading of the Covid-19 virus within the community,” said Supermax.
Salim stressed that all persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law.
The PMO estimates more than 160,000 new jobs will be created in 2021, based on committed investment.
A federal gazette signed by Minister of Health Datuk Seri Adham Baba, which will be effective today until Aug 1, states that cabinet ministers who are returning from any official overseas visit will need to be under observation for three days or undergo supervision until they can be released without endangering the public.
Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said that Tan Sri Tommy Thomas’ assertion that the May 13 riots were due to a coup by Tun Abdul Razak is “pure conjecture”.
Muhyiddin said the country will be receiving its first batch of vaccines, which have an effectiveness rate of 95%, sometime this month.