Malaysians in a state of maximum worry — EMIR Research
In particular, EMIR Research found that the cost of living was the source of most worry for Malaysians surveyed — with a score of 0.81.
In particular, EMIR Research found that the cost of living was the source of most worry for Malaysians surveyed — with a score of 0.81.
The recording of the meeting was played again in the High Court for Ambrin as prosecution witness today. It revealed that former chief secretary Tan Sri Ali Hamsa told the then AG to manage his diligent "younger officers", to take care of national interest and leadership.
He said Menang will only look into conducting such acquisitions once it receives the cash from the disposal of non-core assets.
The group’s revenue for the quarter, however, fell 5% to RM93.62 million from RM98.36 million in the previous year.
On its prospects, the group said it had launched 2,320 housing units year-to-date with a combined gross development value of RM1.4 billion.
Mah Sing group managing director Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum: We have always believed that properties in the affordable range and at good locations are still seeing good demand.
This brings the property developer’s full year net profit to RM126.82 million, down 18.3% from RM155.24 million in FY18, while revenue stood 25% lower at RM534.26 million versus RM712.26 million in the preceding year.
The concession, which manages UiTM Seremban 3 campus in Negeri Sembilanis, is housed under Menang’s subsidiary Inovatif Mewah Sdn Bhd.
Azlan Shah Jaffril said he also had to pay a RM2 million bribe to former Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to operate OSCs in Nepal and Pakistan to process work permits for people from those countries.
As at Oct 31, industrial buildings — including a single-storey detached factory with a two-storey office block, a warehouse and storage building — and other miscellaneous structures are erected on the parcel of land.