KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 10): Residents of Bangsar and Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur want the authorities to step up efforts to make their neighbourhoods safe.
Bukit Bandaraya Residents’ Association (RA) president Datuk M Ali said more needed to be done to ensure the safety and security of the residents.
"We have been waiting since 2012 for the authorities to enhance security in Bangsar generally.
"Last year, we were informed of the Modern Policing programme and we are anxiously awaiting its implementation," he said.
Ali said the RA had constantly engaged with the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), the police and City Hall to beef up security in the neighbourhood.
"We have had several dialogues with Pemandu and we appreciate its initiatives and emphasis on the need for basic security and safety peripherals in Bangsar.
"We have been waiting for many years and we hope Pemandu will be able to work with the police and City Hall to speed up the process of implementing the safety features here," he said.
Ali said the residents had requested for guardrails on pedestrian walkways and grill gates to block off the back and side lanes, which were the primary access points for criminals.
"We have installed grills at some locations, paid for by contributions from the residents.
"We also want bollards, convex mirrors, road humps, and street lighting to brighten up the core housing areas," he said.
Ali also wants City Hall to ensure effective maintenance of the streets, trees and shrubs.
"There should also be enhanced police patrolling of the core housing areas, both uniformed and plainclothes.
"There is also a need for police beat bases at some locations, for which we have requested for years, and CCTVs at strategic sites," he said.
Brickfields Rukun Tetangga chairman SKK Naidu said the residents were still waiting for a police station to be built in Brickfields.
"We had a police station next to the La Salle Brickfields school years ago but it was closed to make way for development.
"We have requested for a police station for many years and we are still waiting for a response," he said.
Naidu said residents had to go to the nearest police station in Jalan Klang Lama to lodge reports.
"The Brickfields police station was moved to Jalan Klang Lama. What we want is a police station here and we hope the authorities will look into our request," he said. -- The Malaysian Insider
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