Yun: Resting in my living room and working on my laptop.
Yap: Doing nothing; just sitting back and relaxing. I travel a lot for work, so my best holiday vacation is spent at home.
Struys: My dogs often fall asleep on me and it makes hanging out in my living room really fun, especially when they start snoring. It’s seriously hilarious. I often fall asleep on the couch with them!
JP: Cuddle up and watch a movie with my sayang, after a home-cooked meal.
Chai: It may not sound very exciting but I spend most of my time working online, especially since I run The Wedding Guide portal. This is done in the living room in front of the TV where I turn on Astro and have its jazz or opus radio channels on.
Amani: Sleep. Watch movies. Chill out with my parents, sisters and twin five-month-old nieces. Have fun on the Internet. Eat good home-cooked food.
Poo: Lots! As I love spending time at home. Cooking, watching TV, sleeping, reading.
Sinclair: My home is a very private place. I don’t often have guests apart from family and close friends because I like my privacy. I like to unwind at home. I usually catch up on my favourite TV shows or read a book on the sofa.
This article appeared in City & Country, the property pullout of The Edge Malaysia, Issue 787, Dec 28, 2009 - Jan 25, 2010