• Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Hasbi Habibollah said the installation of other system components, including rolling stock, signalling, power supply, distribution and telecommunications, commenced early this month.

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 12): The construction of the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link is progressing on schedule, with infrastructure works reaching 95% completion as of November, the Senate was told on Thursday.

Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Hasbi Habibollah said the installation of other system components, including rolling stock, signalling, power supply, distribution and telecommunications, commenced early this month.

"So far, the government has spent RM2.5 million on completing the civil infrastructure for the RTS project on the Malaysian side.

"A total of RM5.2 billion has been allocated for the entire project in Malaysia," he said during an answer-and-question session in response to a question from Senator Datuk Halim Suleiman regarding the progress of the RTS Link project.

Hasbi said the RTS Link service is designed to accommodate up to 100,000 passengers daily, with trains running at a frequency of 3.6 minutes during peak hours.

He estimated that in its first year of operation, expected to begin on Dec 31, 2026, the RTS service would serve about 30,000 to 40,000 passengers daily.

Hasbi noted that Malaysia Rapid Transit System Sdn Bhd (MRTS) as InfraCo Malaysia had granted early access to RTS Operations Pte Ltd (RTSO), which is the service operator at the Wadi Hana Depot, to begin installation of the trackworks.

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