KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 14): The government will be opening up RM925 million worth of packages for the Sabah portion of Pan Borneo Highway in the first quarter of next year (1Q20).

Works Minister Baru Bian told the Dewan Rakyat today that as at Sept 21 this year, the project was 21.3% completed, behind the 44.4% scheduled progress.

"Pan Borneo Sabah has three phases, when the project delivery partner (PDP) agreement was signed, and the 706 km stretch was divided into 35 packages," he said during Ministerial Question Time.

"As at Sept 21, 2019, when PDP terminated, only 12 packages were awarded. One of them [was] terminated due to financial difficulties faced by [the] contractor, this was package 15, from Tawau to Semporna, while progress for the remaining 11 packages were 6% to 60% completed," he said.

Apart from the 12 packages, Baru said the government has agreed to award another three packages in 1Q20, namely packages 28, 29, and 30, which involve upgrading works at the Telupid and Beluran Exits, spanning almost 60km and costing RM925 million.

"The remaining 20 packages are expected to be tendered in the 12th Malaysia Plan (RMK12), between 2021 and 2025, provided it is approved by the federal government," he said.

Baru was responding to a question by Ahmad Hassan (Warisan-Papar), who asked the government to state the number of work packages for the Pan Borneo project that have yet to be implemented at the time when the supervisory responsibility was handed over to the Ministry of Infrastructure Development Sabah.

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