Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 28): The Fed­eral Land De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­ity (Felda) and police have ap­plied for the au­thor­ity’s four plots of land on Jalan Semarak to be placed un­der a regis­trar’s caveat, The New Straits Times (NST) reported today.

“I have met the deputy di­rec­tor and sub­mit­ted our ap­pli­ca­tion to trans­fer all the land in Jalan Se­marak to be un­der the Regis­trar’s caveat. We were in­formed that the po­lice have al­ready placed the land un­der the Regis­trar’s caveat yes­ter­day (Tues­day),” Felda chair­man Tan Sri Shahrir Ab­dul Sa­mad said.

Shahrir told the English daily that he was at the Fed­eral Ter­ri­tory Land Of­fice yes­ter­day to sub­mit an ap­pli­ca­tion to trans­fer the caveat of the land in Jalan Se­marak.

“We were informed that the police have already placed the land under the registrar’s caveat yesterday [Tuesday],” Shahrir added.

According to the NST report, a land caveat is a “mech­a­nism that pre­vents the reg­is­tra­tion of the trans­ac­tion un­der the Na­tional Land Code to pro­tect the in­ter­ests of cer­tain par­ties”.

In addition, “for land un­der a pri­vate caveat, any per­son or en­ti­ties could claim rights to the land or reg­is­ter in­ter­ests”.

The regis­trar’s caveat is meant to pre­vent fraud in deal­ings, mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion and mis­use of the land en­ti­tle­ment.

The media reported last week that is in danger of losing ownership of land worth up to RM270 million along Jalan Semarak, as a result of a “dubious deal” that took place about two years ago.

The land is supposed to be for the Kuala Lumpur Vertical City (KLVC) development project which will comprise seven towers, including Felda’s KLVC Tower1A.

The tower will have 59 floors of offices, a two-floor office podium with parking lots, a six-floor car park, a two-storey underground car park, a rooftop garden and a helipad.

Meanwhile the police will soon question former Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad over the land deal at Jalan Semarak, which took during his tenure.
Yesterday, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Noor Rashid Ibrahim said the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.

“We will call him as he is alleged to have vested interest in the investment process,” Noor Rashid he said.

  1. Shahrir wants law firm representing Felda and FIC to be disqualified; trial postponed
  2. Encorp fires CEO after internal probe linked to MACC charge
  3. High Court allows Felda and FIC to obtain two classified reports as evidence in Semarak land suit