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Editor's Note

Life, as we know, has a way of presenting different obstacles for us to overcome. It’s no coincidence that the power of hope is wired into our very core, to help us confront life’s various challenges. Hope is what makes us strive to do better, to be better and to believe that there truly can be light on the other side of even the most seemingly impenetrable darkness.

On May 9 2018, an entire nation harnessed the power of hope to effect a change which will sow the seeds of a brighter future for generations to come. That this sea change in our political landscape was achieved peacefully and against all odds, was a source of tremendous pride for the stakeholders of today and will be a lesson to the leaders of tomorrow about what can be achieved when the infinite power of hope fuels our thoughts and deeds.

On the back of that enduring national sentiment, in this issue of Live!, we pay tribute to inspiring Malaysians who have, each in their own way, made a positive change to the world around them. With their indomitable spirit, passion, perseverance and generosity of heart, these “everyday heroes” illustrate the very best of Malaysia. In addition to tales of these inspirational individuals, Live! also takes to the hills of Balik Pulau, on Penang island to unearth its hidden treasures and discover its secrets to rejuvenating retirees.

From offering the precious gift of hope, empowering the marginalised and protecting the less privileged, to sharing inspiring stories of grit and determination, as well as highlighting environmental initiatives and the use of art as a vehicle for social commentary, Live! brings you a feast of informative and inspirational stories to celebrate the very essence of Malaysia’s fighting spirit, our rich talent and the compassion of our people. The sum of these parts is a unique tapestry of life that gives us every reason to be proud of our nation and to truly understand that the flame of hope burns brightly for Malaysia.