Editor's Note

How time flies as we find ourselves in a brand new decade. As we leave behind the shadows of our past, however, our quest for the good life survives as an enduring aspiration for the future.

Subscribing to the belief that a life lived responsibly and fully is a life lived well, Live! 2020 brings you a delectable feast of information to satiate your senses and perhaps even to unlock a few doors which you may not previously have opened. Focusing on places, spaces, faces and trends, Live! 2020 shines a light on various elements that capture the quintessential Malaysian spirit of fun, whilst also doffing our caps to the incremental growth of sustainable practices.

Blessed with a rich and diverse cultural heritage, beautiful locations, as well as inspiring and enterprising citizens, Malaysians from all walks of life can make connections, seek adventures and experience new things in our very own backyard. In fact, our stories will reveal just how easy it is to access an alluring world of charms. While this issue merely scratches the surface of what Malaysia has to offer, we hope that it will inspire you to carve out a bit more time to explore and discover some wonderful local treasures.

Join us as we take you on a whirlwind tour of the following:

Spaces & Places — because we all need places for rest and relaxation. From less frequented and glamorous vacay-spots, or picturesque retreats that pay homage to vernacular archi-tecture, to charming cafes and drinking spots, we bring you a worthy selection of cool spaces in which to hang out.

Essence — where the arts and culture take centre stage. We are especially delighted to feature the gifts of a few savant artists, whose remarkable works so beautifully articulate their hopes and messages.

Taste — because the thrill of the chase for “good” food is wired into the DNA of every true-blooded Malaysian. Learn about the healthy and trendy farm-to-table dining options that have emerged over the horizons of our culinary landscape, as well as scrumptious treats that marry the familiar with the exotic, to yield desserts that are simply divine.

Personalities — because there are many inspirational Malaysians, from everyday heroes to globally renowned names, who make great role models and ambassadors. In this issue, we are pleased to let you in on our tête-à-têtes with squash queen Nicol David, culinary icon Chef Wan, and international music artiste Zee Avi.

As we look ahead to the new decade, let us aspire to make more time for ourselves and to cultivate a more wholesome lifestyle that celebrates living well. Let’s laugh, love and live!