Sale Price *

RM 390 psf
RM 383 - 513 psf

Rental Price **


Rental Yield **


Rental income expressed as a percentage of the property's value.

Sale Price *

RM 390 psf
RM 383 - 513 psf

Rental Price **


Rental Yield **


Rental income expressed as a percentage of the property's value.

Villa Bukit Tunku, Kenny Hills (Bukit Tunku) Insights

Developer:JL Facilities Management Sdn Bhd
Main Contractor:
Land Size (sqm):
GFA (sqm):
Plot Ratio (Incl. Bonus):
Project Name:Villa Bukit Tunku
Street Name:Jalan Girdle, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
Postal Code:50480
Property Type:Condominium/Apartment
District/Planning Area:Kenny Hills (Bukit Tunku)
Number of Landed Units:0 units
Number of Non Landed Units:30 units
Sold Price Range/Average*:RM 383 psf - RM 513 psf / RM 390 psf
Leased Rental Range/Average**:
Implied rental yield**:6.51%
Historical High:RM 710 psf in Dec 2013 for a 2,648-sqft unit
Indicative Average Price from Historical High:%
Historical Low:RM 313 psf in Oct 2007 for a 2,174-sqft unit
Buyer Profile by Residential Status:
Buyer Profile by Purchaser Address:
*Based on transactions in the last 48 months.
**Based on asking rental data in the last 12 months. May not be representative.
24-hour Security
Car Park
Squash Court
Swimming Pool
Fitness Centre
BBQ Area

About This Project

Villa Bukit Tunku is a freehold non-landed project situated in the neighbourhood of Kenny Hills (Bukit Tunku) in Kuala Lumpur. It surrounded by several development such as Tijani, Taman Tuanku Apartment, Impian Bukit Tunku, Tijani 2 North, Sri Bukit Tunku, Belvedere, Kenny Hills Residence, Belvedere, Royal Domain Condominium and Seri Duta 1 & 2 Condominium.Sri Tunku was developed by Appreview (M) Sdn. Bhd. It consist of five block of four-storey buildings with a total of 200 units. The built-up space is ranging from 1,948 sq. ft. to 2,648 sq. ft. Amenities available at this condominium includes 24-hour security, car park, BBQ area, gymnasium, squash court, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. It also located nearby Masjid Negara, Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Open University and University Malaya City Campus, Sasana Kijang, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Memorial, Bank Negara and various government offices complex.This project is accessible via several major roads, namely Jalan Kuching, Jalan Kinabalu and Lebuhraya Sultan Iskandar (Mahameru Highway).

Sales Transaction of Villa Bukit Tunku

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