
Pandan Perdana

The median sale at Pandan Perdana, Selangor, Malaysia is RM 295,000

RM 180,000
RM 257 (PSF)
RM 295,000
RM 345 (PSF)
RM 560,000
RM 479 (PSF)

Past Transactions

Project / TownShipsTypeMedian Price PsfMedian PriceFiled Transactions
Taman Pandan PerdanaCondominium/Apartment,Flat,Hotel/Service Apartment,Terrace HouseRM 337RM 355,853232 Transactions
Taman Maju JayaCondominium/Apartment,Terrace HouseRM 308RM 421,58131 Transactions
Perdana CourtCondominium/Apartment,FlatRM 295RM 237,5727 Transactions
Pandan Lake ViewCondominium/ApartmentRM 314RM 252,5002 Transactions

Rent and Sale Prices in Pandan Perdana

BedroomsSale PriceMonthly RentRental Yield
1RM --RM ----
2RM 209,715RM 1,1176.39%
3RM 387,323RM 1,0623.29%
4RM --RM ----
5RM --RM ----

Price per Square Foot

SectorPrice Psf (Non Landed)Price Psf (Landed)
Area AverageRM 245RM 383
State AverageRM 272RM 298