
Damansara Utama

The median sale at Damansara Utama, Selangor, Malaysia is RM 838,000

RM 838,000
RM 1,145 (PSF)
RM 838,000
RM 1,145 (PSF)
RM 838,000
RM 1,145 (PSF)

Past Transactions

Project / TownShipsTypeMedian Price PsfMedian PriceFiled Transactions
Uptown ResidencesHotel/Service ApartmentRM 988RM 1,387,11479 Transactions

Rent and Sale Prices in Damansara Utama

BedroomsSale PriceMonthly RentRental Yield
1RM 794,972RM 2,6474%
2RM 1,328,119RM 3,7343.37%
3RM 1,754,883RM 5,7203.91%
4RM 2,573,886RM 6,1102.85%
5RM --RM ----

Price per Square Foot

SectorPrice Psf (Non Landed)Price Psf (Landed)
Area AverageRM 975RM --
State AverageRM 272RM 297