Edward Soh pro agent

phone REN 16485



Dear Sir/Ms, A great day to you. My name is Edward Soh ( REN16485), a senior property negotiator attached to Ace Realty Sdn Bhd.. Currently I am joining CiD Realtor Sdn Bhd for more focus on marketing of Industrial and commercial properties in Klang Valley. Besides this, I also do some NEW PROJECTS WITH CASH BACK OPTIONs, Selling INDUSTRIAL LANDs & FACTORIES, COMMERCIAL SHOPLOTs, as well as selling & renting a residential properties too. Please feel free to keep in touch IF you are genuine & serious buyers & investors looking for a properties to invest in near future. Thank you. Best Regards, Edward Soh REN 16485 CiD Realtor Sdn Bhd +6016-917 0815
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Dear Sir/Ms, A great day to you. My name is Edward Soh ( REN16485), a senior property negotiator attached to Ace Realty Sdn Bhd.. Currently I am joining CiD Realtor Sdn Bhd for more focus on marketing of Industrial and commercial properties in Klang Valley. Besides this, I also do some NEW PROJECTS WITH CASH BACK OPTIONs, Selling INDUSTRIAL LANDs & FACTORIES, COMMERCIAL SHOPLOTs, as well as selling & renting a residential properties too. Please feel free to keep in touch IF you are genuine & serious buyers & investors looking for a properties to invest in near future. Thank you. Best Regards, Edward Soh REN 16485 CiD Realtor Sdn Bhd +6016-917 0815

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